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The Museum

History of the Museum

1. The Main Steps of the Museum Activity
  • documents
  • chronicle
  • 2.History of the scientific research
  • personalities

  • 1.Derviz V.D
    2.Olsufyev Yu.A.
    3.Florensky P.A.
    4. Svirin A.N.
    5.Nikolayeva T.V.
    6.Klitina. E.N.
    7.Belobrova O.A
    8.Kruglova O.V.
    9.Kalmykova L.E.
    10.Mayasova N.A.
    11.Manushina T.N.

  • memoirs
  • restoration
  • 3.History of the educational activity

    Scientific Research
  • conferences and seminars
  • participation in the exhibitions
  • scientific works, articles
  • editions
  • restoration
  • expeditions:
  • -- archaeological
    -- collecting monuments of culture and history

    The educational activity
  • celebrations
  • excursion
  • participation in festivals, competitions, exhibitions
  • Rus Eng


    Derviz Vladimir Dmitriyevich (1859 – 1937)

    Derviz V.D. 1937. Derviz Vladimir Dmitriyevich – 09(21).05.1859 – 13.04.1937 – an artist, member of the Zemstvo, museum worker. Graduated from the Law College, then for 5 years studied in the Art Academy, where he made friends with Serov V.A. and Vrubel M.A. In 1886 he married Serov’s cousin Nadezhda Yakovlevna Simonovich. For many years they lived in Domotkanovo estate in the Tver Gubernia, where famous artists came to stay. Until the revolution Derviz took an active part in the work of the Zemstvo and had various elective positions. In 1919 he moved to Sergiev Posad, where his daughter Maria Favorskaya lived with her family. First he taught drawing in the Sergiev Posad Secondary Technical School. On November, 5, 1920 under I Grabar’s recommendations he began to work in the Commission on Preservation of Art and History Monuments of the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra. On March, 10, 1921, he became head of the Exhibition Department and curator of the museum depository. Between spring, 1922, and autumn, 1924, he was President of the Commission.

    Vladimir Dmitriyevich Derviz (the first director of the Sergiev Museum) and Favorsky Andrei Efimovich (accountant general) After that, Derviz was a deputy manager and a curator at the same time. He knew French and English very well and he himself guided tours for foreign guests. English Professor Conway wrote in the visitors’ book: “I will always remember this day as a biggest day in my life. I have seen the most wonderful and splendid items in a pleasant company and in a charming deeply interesting historical atmosphere. Everything, that is made, made surprisingly. With all my heart I wish, that business will be finished to the perfect end ». The Museum manager Svirin A.N. wrote about Derviz: « Deep culture, profound education, natural artistic talent and a great tact, which Vladimir Dmitriyevich possessed, were extremely valuable qualities for such museum if we consider a general situation in which our work proceeded. To transform a huge monastery into a museum was extremely complex and difficult. The museum security was one of the basic tasks.

    1920s. Derviz V.D. in the Sacristy. At first, the security was organized with the help of the monks, and, to do them justice, they worked irreproachably. Then, the monks were replaced by young museum workers. … As the museum manager, he made the inventory of the treasures. It is easy to imagine how hard the work was. The Sacristy, where the treasures were kept, had no heating, but he had to hold the items of gold and silver in his hands and to examine them carefully. Vladimir Dmitriyevich wore an old sheepskin coat and a small fur cap, which did not cover his ears, and he worked hard every day neglecting cold”. His main task was to preserve the Lavra and the Sacristy. In 1922, he managed to invite an expert in Old Russian art Yu.A. Olsufyev, which was necessary for making the inventories of valuable articles to be past to help the starving people in the Volga area.

    Derviz V.D. 1937. 78 years In 1927, the museum workers were attacked by the press during the atheistic campaign. The Museum Section of the Government protected Derviz V.D. and Svirin A.N. for some time. In May 1928, there were mass arrests in the town. Derviz and Svirin were fired. On leaving the museum Derviz lived in Moscow. He was buried in the Presentation cemetery.
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    © The Sergiev Posad State History and Art Museum-Preserve
    141310 Krasnaya Army Prospect, 144, Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region, Russia Tel.: (495) 786-27-08, (496) 540-63-58
    to order excursions- Tel. +7 49654 0-53-56