The collection of manuscripts of the Sergiev-Posad museum totals about 300 works of 14-20th century. Ancient reading and writing, letters, addresses, books of the monastic account - supplementary and inventory, synodicks, Holy Writ books, divine service and many other things here presented.
Among documents of the monastic account special value represents the inventory to the Trinity-Sergiev monastery of 1641 both supplementary books 1639 and 1673. They are the most valuable, fundamental sources, and in essence, these are the present documents for experts of a different profile.
Forming manuscripts fund of a museum has begun actually simultaneously with its creation. The Commission on protection of ancient monuments and art of the Trinity-St.Sergius Lavra, created in October 1918 for transfer of values of a monastery to the state, has played an important role in this affair. The book’s collection of Trinity-St.Sergius Lavra has arrived in its conducting also. However, the majority of manuscripts this unique collection in 1930th years has been transferred to Moscow (The State Bibliotheca). Definitively it has confirmed by the order on the Ministry of culture of the USSR (¹ 50) from 3 February 1955.
The unique part manuscripts fund of a museum has made obverse manuscripts - the Gospel and the Apostle of the metropolitan Moscow Ioasaph (Skripitzin). The earliest Gospel from Nikolo-Pesnoshsky monastery decorated by four colour miniatures with the image of evangelists close to works of the known artist of Ancient Russia Dionisy. It is written, presumably, by Sergius Dobropisetz, which name, may be, is connected with the Trinity monastery.
Replenishment of the book fund of the museum and studying of book collection begun in days of activity of the Commission of a museum developed again only from the end of 50th of 20th century. Actually, this is a new stage in history of forming collection. It has been connected with the organization of purposeful expeditions on the Old Russian art, spent, mainly, within Moscow suburbs, and first of all in Sergiev-Posad area (late Zagorsk), as the most perspective, with its ancient settlements entering in the past in structure of monastic possession or possession of large patrimoniers.